Search Results - National Disaster Centre Papua New Guinea Local Airlines To Serve Food And Drinks Onboard AgainAfter almost eight months of not being allow... Magazines Happiness Levels Decreasing In South Africans After The Second Ban Of AlcoholOn 27 March 2020, all South Africans went in... Happiness Man Arrested Following Parliament FireA 49-year-old man has been arrested followin... Parliament Tom Hardy Chosen As The New James BondBritish actor, Tom Hardy, has been chosen as... Bond Cape Epic PostponedThe Absa Cape Epic has been postponed to lat... Epic UK Man Receives R2 000 Parking Fine At Drive-Through COVID TestA 52-year-old man and his family went for a ... Covid Mauritius Oil Spill: Boat Could Break In TwoThe boat that has been spilling oil off the ... Mauritius Researchers Discover That SA's Death Rate Is Reaching a Much Higher Number Than ExpectedAccording to the latest research by the Sout... Deaths Football Mourns Diego MaradonaArgentinian football legend, Diego Maradona,... Maradona Video: Akayed Ullah, The New York Port Authority Attack Suspect 'inspired By Is'Police in New York has taken a suspect into ... York Lockdown Alert Level 2: What You Can Do, And What NotWelcome to Alert Level 2 of lockdown. With a... Level E-tolls May Be Back With Nasty Consequences For MotoristsThe Sanral Act of 1998 was a way for the gov... Motorists You Could Now Face 5 Years In Jail For Smoking In Public!The National Department of Health reported t... Tobacco SAPS Officials Suspended After Suspicious Multi-Million Rand TransactionsThe South African Police Service (SAPS) has ... Saps Level 1 Could Be Around The CornerPresident Cyril Ramaphosa has hinted that So... Level French President Changes Blue Used In National FlagIt was such a subtle change that it took peo... Blue 19-Year-Old Girl Raped By Paramedic After Testing Positive For Covid-19A 19-year-old girl in India was allegedly ra... Girl Window Cleaners Dangling From Scaffolding Rescued In NYTwo window cleaners were left hanging on for... Scaffolding Oppositions Call For Urgent Motion Of No Confidence In ZumaDemocratic Alliance leader, Mmusi Maimane, h... President Death Threats Against Malema Under InvestigationAllegations about a plot to assassinate Juli... Threats Cristiano Ronaldo Tests Positive For COVIDPortuguese football star, Cristiano Ronaldo,... Ronaldo Fisherman Struck Luck When He Catches Rare Blue Lobster Off Cornish CoastA fisherman named Tom Lambourn got lucky whe... Lobster DA Secures Tshwane, Ekurhuleni And Johannesburg Mayoral PositionsFor the first time, the African National Con... Da Cape Town Residence Warned Of FloodsCape Town’s Disaster Risk Management C... Cape < 12345 >